Give Now to Save America's Families!
Urgent Need: Will you become 1 of the 770 monthly donors needed by March 31 to embolden Christian homes to stand firm against cultural forces that dishonor God’s plan for marriage and families? Your monthly gift will ensure we can continue to provide trustworthy, biblical guidance and support to struggling families on an ongoing basis.
770 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you'd like to give

Thriving Values Kit – When a Loved One Says I’m Gay

Focus on the Family’s Thriving Values Team is grateful to be able to help you
deal with this difficult issue.

Every week, parents contact our ministry seeking help as they respond to a gay-identified son or daughter. We trust this resource will help you to maintain relationship and influence with your child, even as you hold to a biblical view of sexuality and marriage. This downloadable resource:

  • Helps you clarify your goals for dealing with your child.
  • Gives information on grief, recovery and building a support network.
  • Links to many other helpful articles, books and podcasts.
  • Includes stories from other parents who have walked this road.

While this resource is addressed to parents, we believe spouses, other family members and friends will also find helpful suggestions and guidance.

How to Access your Free Resource:

Please complete the following required fields and press the “submit” button. You will immediately receive a confirmation email with the link to your free resource.


Please use between 1-20 characters. Please use only alphabet, apostrophe, hyphen, space and period.

Please use between 1-20 characters. Please use only alphabet, apostrophe, hyphen, space and period.

We count it a privilege that you have turned to us for information and help.
If you have any questions, please call Focus on the Family at (800) A-FAMILY (232-6459) or email us.