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Urgent Need: Will you become 1 of the 770 monthly donors needed by March 31 to embolden Christian homes to stand firm against cultural forces that dishonor God’s plan for marriage and families? Your monthly gift will ensure we can continue to provide trustworthy, biblical guidance and support to struggling families on an ongoing basis.
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Jess Ford

Jess Ford is a writer and preacher that desires to equip and inspire Christians to live the abundant life available to them through surrendering to the Holy Spirit. Jess is passionate about the pro-love movement and is the son of Embrace Grace President, Amy Ford. Jess’ testimony speaks to the value of life in the womb. Jess graduated from ORU in May of 2020 with a degree in theology, and moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas to get married to his wife, Audrey Ford.

Learn more about Jess through his website:

Hero image for Maternal Mortality Rates

Induced Abortion: The Facts

Twenty-five years ago, my mom walked into an abortion clinic with her boyfriend to undergo an induced abortion procedure. She walked into the clinic with fear and uncertainty, not knowing if the procedure would bring pain physically or emotionally.Then …

How to have difficult conversations

How to Have Difficult Conversations

I have noticed a recurring pattern where people tiptoe around particular conversations when they are around me.

Image of a clump of cells

I Was That “Clump of Cells”

People cannot offend me easily. I recognize that this world shows hostility to Christians, and I am happy to accept the hostility knowing how great our God is. Despite my relatively thick skin, there is one popular phrase from the mouths of abortion pr …

Teaching the Pro-Life Student Image for Article by Jess Ford

Teaching the Pro-Life Student

We stand before Gen Z, who believe abortion is morally acceptable. However, as a pro-life student, I’m overwhelmed with hope.

An illustration of the violinist argument: two people attached as life support and one did not consent.

Debunking The Violinist Argument

When confronting pro-choice arguments, it is always vital to remain gentle, caring and truthful. The person you are communicating with holds divine value, just like the little people in the womb who we are fighting to protect.

A man stands anxious about his girlfriend being pregnant in response to so you're pregnant.

So, You’re Pregnant, a Letter From a Nearly-Aborted Man

My parents mutually decided that abortion would be the solution to their problems. With having an abortion, they would not have to share their situation with their loved ones. They were told that, with abortion, the financial strain of a child would seemingly disappear.

A page containing the definition of abortion and abortion history highlighted by light.

Abortion History: How Future Generations Will Look Back on Abortion

Abortion history is filled with racism, bigotry, sexism, and genocide. The most prominent name in the modern-day abortion industry, Planned Parenthood, has been at the forefront of hateful discrimination since its founding.

Personhood Explained Lifecycles Stages of Life

Personhood Explained

There is a war on personhood. Its definition has been debated for decades. People write and publish theories with the intention to help the world make sense of this strange concept, yet nearly every theory composed across time falls short of coherent l …

Pro-life man holding a baby

Being A Man In The Pro-Life Movement

I have a passion for this cause. However, as a man, I still have some hesitancies about openly speaking and acting for the benefit of the pro-life movement.

A woman sits looking out her window contemplating the true cost of abortion

The True Cost of Abortion

The monetary cost of an abortion can run up to $1,600, with the average cost being around $600. However, abortion “costs” much more.

A young christian man prays against Christian abortion and how men feel about abortion.

Abortion and the Christian Man

Christian men have been targeted, slandered and chastised because of their work to end abortion. How should men respond to this opposition?

A group of friends fight while discussing the pro-life and pro-choice arguments

Pro-Choice Arguments vs Seeking Truth in Love

When discussing pro-life and pro-choice arguments, the words we use to express ourselves reflects more than we think.

A child playing with mom. A pro-life inspiration story

A Pro-Life Inspiration Story: When My Mom Said No

A real, pro-life inspiration story from the perspective of the child who lived.

A newborn baby girl smiles as she is blessed with a pro-life prayer.

Pro-Life Prayer: A Response to Surprising Injustice

The most significant action we can take to further the pro-life movement is to cover our nation, and one another, in prayer.

A man searches the Bible for what is says about abortion.

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

While current culture is divided on the abortion issue, we search the scriptures and ask ourselves, “What does the Bible say about abortion?”

The pro-life generation Z holds pro-life signs at the March for Life.

The Pro-Life Generation: Hope on the Horizon

The events of 2020 have dishearten many of us. A bright spot in all this darkness is the up-and-coming pro-life generation.

four women respond happily to an unexpected pregnancy.

How to Respond to an Unexpected Pregnancy

Your words matter. How you respond to someone with an unexpected pregnancy could be the difference between life and death.

hands turning dice that say pro-life or against life.

Are You Pro-Life or Anti-Abortion?

Are you pro-life or just anti-abortion? Our movement is about empowering women. It’s about reminding women of their beauty and value.

A man reading the Bible

Is the Bible Really Pro-Life?

According to the Bible, life is more than just potential, and it is valuable from the moment of conception.

a pro-life man in gray shirt thinks and prays about how to be involved in the pro-life movement

The Dangers of Being Idle in the Pro-Life Movement

“Actions speak louder than words.” There are dangers in being idle when being a part of the Pro-Life Movement.

A gentle woman influences her friend

The Strength of Gentleness: How to Actually Influence People

I believe social media is indeed a good thing at its core, but these communication streams are lined with ugliness and hostility. This begs the question, in a world of constant blaring messages, how can we actually influence people without hurting them in the process?

A father holds his infant

A Son’s Letter To His Father Who Chose Life.

My dad is a man that is willing to leave the 99 for the 1. He is willing to fight for his family, even when it’s inconvenient.

Close up of a man's hand writing in a notebook; he's casually dressed and holding a cup of coffee in the other hand

Happy Mother’s Day To My Mom Who Chose Life

Time is a funny thing. Sometimes it seems to run, and sometimes it seems to walk, but time is always a thread of moments. Sometimes moments feel meaningful, and sometimes moments feel mundane. I have recently taken time to reflect on my childhood in or …