Give Now to Save America's Families!
Urgent Need: Will you become 1 of the 770 monthly donors needed by March 31 to embolden Christian homes to stand firm against cultural forces that dishonor God’s plan for marriage and families? Your monthly gift will ensure we can continue to provide trustworthy, biblical guidance and support to struggling families on an ongoing basis.
770 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you'd like to give

Focus on the Family to Host Prayer Event on Inauguration Day

January 19, 2021

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – Focus on the Family will host a virtual call to prayer event on Wednesday, January 20 at 10 a.m. ET at

The public is invited to join Focus representatives in praying over families, marriages, children, churches, and the incoming and outgoing elected officials on Inauguration Day.

“I can be extremely concerned with current circumstances—even burdened,” said Focus on the Family President and CEO Jim Daly. “But we’re called to act—and trust. Prayer is a powerful way to do just that, so we’re encouraging Christians around the nation to join us in corporate prayer for some of the most foundational aspects of our culture.”

The event will premiere on Focus on the Family’s Facebook and YouTube channels. 

Please direct all media inquiries and interview requests to Kirsten Hochstetler at [email protected] or 719-216-1872.


About Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family, which reaches about 38 million people in 120 countries, is a global faith-based ministry that helps families thrive. We provide help and resources for strengthening believers in their faith and sharing the gospel; building resilient marriages that reflect God’s design; equipping parents to raise their children with a thriving faith; advocating for the preborn, orphaned and life at every stage; and engaging the culture through a biblical worldview. Visit Focus at or on Facebook and Twitter.
